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  2. SSS CITIZEN'S CHARTER. The Citizen's Charter is an official document that reflects the services of a government agency/office including its requirements, fees, and processing times among others.

  3. Know if you're qualified for an SSS benefit or loan, the requirements you need to prepare, and how to apply, wherever you are. Learn More. Find an SSS Branch. There's always an SSS near you. Check the locations of SSS brances nationwide and worldwide. See Branch Directory.

  4. Access your SSS account online to manage contributions, records, transactions, and appointments. Register now for the convenience of My.SSS.

  5. My.SSS Portal

    Please reopen the browser and try again. If error persists, call SSS online. My.SSS Login.

  6. Republic of the Philippines Social Security System

    Login or register to access your Social Security System account and manage your contributions and transactions online.

  7. My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    Sign-in to your account. User ID. Forgot Password? Password.

  8. My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    sss citizen's charter The Citizen's Charter is an official document that reflects the services of a government agency/office including its requirements, fees, and processing times among others. Read it here

  9. Request Rejected - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator or try again later. Your support ID is: 3122720938418376422.

  10. Forgot Username / Password - Republic of the Philippines Social...

    Forgot User ID / Password? Use one of the following to retrieve them: My registered email address. Security Questions. Login | Not Registered?

  11. My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    SSS Building East Avenue, Diliman Quezon City, Philippines 02-1455 or 8-1455