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Hey! What would be your recommendations to build a project upon the new Lyra Starter Game? Probably best to split this question into multiple parts: Code When I create completely new gameplay-related C++ classes, should I add them to the LyraGame module, or should I make a new gameplay module that depends on LyraGame? In general, when I create my own gameplay-related classes like pawns or ...
Hey guys! Packaging a game in Unreal Engine 4 is easy, everyone has done it thousands of times. But what about creating patches, and updating your project? That’s a little bit harder, and unfortunately not very trivial. In this thread, I’ll try to break it down as simple as I can. Base release "1.0" First, we’re going to package the base release version. Obviously, you can use your own ...
Thanks. Hmm, I’ve now completed these steps but the escape key still does nothing. When you say do it on the player do you mean as per shared image - set auto receive input to player 0.
Hello, I am new to developing games, but I messed around with the engine and it’s blueprint system to get an horror game working. Now that I feel comfortable, I would love to make a game like Heroes Of Dragon Age, which at the core is a card game, hence the title. But I don’t know where or how I should begin.
Hi. I am using blueprints to make my game. Its a racing game and I’ve come to a point where I need to make game settings. I’ve seen some tutorials, but they use different methods to save the game settings. I would like to ask about what is the proper way to store and load various settings. I need to save: Graphics settings (various console commands, resolution, fullscreen mode etc.) Sound ...
Hi, I am an amateur indie game developer and I have just created my first game in Unreal Engine 5.0. I am trying to share this game with my friends so they can try it out, and I think the easiest way to do this is via browser (Chrome). Does anyone know a way I can export and publish my game on a browser website at no cost?
It’s probably a silly question, but I’m currently toying around with different styles for my game and I was wondering if there was a way to achieve something like the “Unlit” view mode option you have in the viewport of UE4 in game? I know you can change the Shading Model of a material to Unlit, but it loses the ambient occlusion. (Will post images later if needed, Imgur is derping out ...
Hi guys, I’m very new at this and have looked at quite many tutorials, but I can’t seem to find any suiting tutorial to get me started. I want to make a first easy test game with a ball that can be hit by the player, and depending on angle and speed of the “hit” the ball should go that way at the right speed and collide with stuff on the way. Preferably I would like to use a “pool ...
Hey guys - Unreal noob here. I use C# for my day job but using C# in the context of Unreal has come very slowly to me since there’s such an overwhelming amount to learn, so I figured I’d start using Blueprints. I’m planning on making some smaller little projects to learn the basics of blueprints, just to get a feel for them, and really try to get familiar with them before moving back ...
for make a football game. must : how to make gener of Unreal engine 4 ? what the gener game? like Pes 2014. Will you stop posting idiotic threads with dumb questions, that’s the third one today and the last two asked the same question. The only way is to learn, no one is going to post a whole thread on building a complete genre specific game.