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These include alteration, repair, removal, demolition, use, and occupancy of buildings, structures or premises. The Building Inspections Division also regulates the installation and maintenance of all electrical, gas, mechanical and plumbing systems, which may be referred to as service systems.
Interpretation outlining when retrofitting Roof-to-Wall Connections are required when Reroofing existing buildings. ---. Reuse Technical Document. Customer Instructions for connecting to the City of Pompano Beach Reuse Water System.
NEW - Where is my Inspector? Wondering what time your Inspector will arrive? With our new "Where is my Inspector" page, you can now see the estimated time of arrival for all of your Inspections that are scheduled for today! (This is a new service.
Welcome to the City of Pompano Beach Click2Gov Building Permits On-Line Services. From here, you will be able to apply for a new permit, pay fees, and schedule inspections once a permit is issued.
Select Permit. To search by an Application or Permit number, please put the 2 Year numbers in the first box, and the remaining numbers in the second box. Please do not put 'BP' or '-' in your search.
Using ePermitsOneStop, Pompano Beach customers can now apply and receive approval for both Pompano Beach building permits and associated Broward County permits in a quicker, more seamless process, eliminating the need to travel to Broward's Government Center West in Plantation.
Find Your Inspection. Enter your Application Number. For example, year (17)followed by number (00001234).
Help Guide. Step 1. Enter your Permit Year and number, Click Search Button. Step 2. View Inspection details. See Permit details and status. ETA - Expected Time of Arrival. Inspection results may also be displayed after Inpector completes Inspection. Step 3.
A re-inspection fee of $30 is charged if work does not conform to approved plans or the city's ordinances. If additional inspections are necessary due to specific reasons listed in the ordinance (e.g., wrong address provided, work not ready),
STRUCTURAL. Required for: New construction, demolitions, additions, interior and exterior renovations, fences, signs, pools, sheds, docks/boatlifts, special events, windows, doors, roofs, shutters, etc.