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There are several options for paying your utility bill. You may pay your bill in person at City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard, at the Cashiers Office, Room 103, or by using our Drive-Thru window on the north side of building.
The Department of Public Utilities is dedicated to providing reliable and cost-effective water, wastewater, and stormwater services. Call 954.921.3046 to report a watermain break, sewer emergency or stormwater issue.
First, determine if your address is served by the City of Hollywood Public Utilities by calling customer service at 954-921-3938. Some Hollywood addresses are in the Broward or Davie service areas. These properties may receive water service from one utility provider and sewer from another.
Monthly Bulk Waste Map. Garbage, Yard Waste, and Recycling Map. The Public Works Department provides an array of services including maintenance services for: The Beach. City Buildings. City Streets. Municipal Facilities. Fleet Vehicles. City Parks.
Over the past several weeks the City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities has been working to enhance the payments options for customers to pay their utility bills. You can now make a payment online, by calling the automated Pay-By-Phone system, by mail or in person at City Hall.
The City has launched a permitting solution powered by Accela Software that makes it easy to apply for and track certain permit and inspection types online. The process is fast and easy and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The City of Hollywood Water, under the City Public Utilities Department, provides water for about 147,566 residents living in the Hollywood area. Established in 1853, the Hollywood City Water System’s water source is groundwater from wells, which draw from the Floridan and Biscayne Aquifers.