
Exclusive research brief

Cyber Resiliency for the Hybrid Cloud

7000+ IT and security professionals share their cyber resiliency challenges and solutions for hybrid cloud

White paper cover Cyber Resiliency for the Hybrid Cloud

Why Cloud‑Based Data Is Just As Susceptible to Cyberattacks

Research consistently reveals that cloud‑based workloads are just as likely to become affected during a cyberattack. In 2022, when an organization was attacked:

  • 86%

    of organizations had
    cloud‑hosted data
    affected by ransomware

  • 90%

    of organizations had
    remote office data
    affected by ransomware

  • 91%

    of organizations had
    data center data
    affected by ransomware

With the rise of cloud‑hosted data being affected in attacks, the need for cyber resiliency in your hybrid cloud backups has never been greater.

This Is Why Protecting One Cloud With Another
Is Such a Good Idea.

  • 37%

    of organizations suffered IT interruptions due to "infrastructure or networking outages."

  • 88%

    of organizations suffered IT interruptions due to "public cloud resources being unavailable."

  • 35%

    of organizations suffered IT interruptions due to "cybersecurity event."

  • 42%

    of organizations suffered IT interruptions due to "public cloud resources being unavailable."

Hybrid IT is delivered seamlessly, such that cloud‑hosted data is just as vulnerable and must be protected with the same rigor and methodologies as on‑premises workloads.

For more trends and methodologies, download our exclusive research brief, “Cyber Resiliency for the Hybrid Cloud,” for insights and perspective from 7,000+ IT and security professionals on:

  • Should my backups be both immutable and off site? Who should be managing?
  • How often should I test recovering my cloud‑based data?
  • Can I use cloud infrastructure as our disaster recovery site? If not, why not?
  • And much more!

For additional support, tips and guidance set up a consultation with one of our hybrid cloud experts.