Trains from New York, NY to Philadelphia, PA

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TodayMay 23
from $109
TomorrowMay 24
from $46
SatMay 25
from $64
SunMay 26
from $46
MonMay 27
from $10
TueMay 28
from $20
WedMay 29
from $10
ThuMay 30
from $10

Trains leaving tomorrow

One passenger / one way

  • This trip is recommended because it is: Cheapest
    Departure time: May 24 at
    Departure city: New York
    Departure location: Moynihan Train Hall
    Arrival time: May 24 at
    Destination city: Philadelphia
    Destination location: 30th Street Station
    Operated by: AmtrakAmtrak
    Vehicle: TrainDuration:
  • This trip is recommended because it is: 2nd Cheapest
    Departure time: May 24 at
    Departure city: New York
    Departure location: Moynihan Train Hall
    Arrival time: May 24 at
    Destination city: Philadelphia
    Destination location: 30th Street Station
    Operated by: AmtrakAmtrak
    Vehicle: TrainDuration:
  • This trip is recommended because it is: Fastest
    Departure time: May 24 at
    Departure city: New York
    Departure location: Moynihan Train Hall
    Arrival time: May 24 at
    Destination city: Philadelphia
    Destination location: 30th Street Station
    Operated by: Amtrak AcelaAmtrak Acela
    Vehicle: TrainDuration:
  • Departure time: May 24 at
    Departure city: New York
    Departure location: Moynihan Train Hall
    Arrival time: May 24 at
    Destination city: Philadelphia
    Destination location: 30th Street Station
    Operated by: AmtrakAmtrak
    Vehicle: TrainDuration:
  • Departure time: May 24 at
    Departure city: New York
    Departure location: Moynihan Train Hall
    Arrival time: May 24 at
    Destination city: Philadelphia
    Destination location: 30th Street Station
    Operated by: AmtrakAmtrak
    Vehicle: TrainDuration:
Train New York to Philadelphia: Trip Overview

Train New York to Philadelphia: Trip Overview

Average ticket price$38
Average train trip duration1h 24m
Number of daily trains51
Earliest train departure12:20 AM
Distance84 miles (134 km)
Latest train departure11:58 PM
Please note, this information is subject to change.
Train Companies

Train Companies

The reviews highlight positive experiences with Amtrak, mentioning easy booking/check-in, on-time departures/arrivals, polite staff, comfortable journeys with good seats at reasonable prices. Some passengers boarded from Penn Station to Philadelphia for the first time and had a great experience. Overall, customers found the service satisfactory and accommodating.

Amtrak New York Philadelphia recent customer reviews

Amtrak was just what I needed and had I made a mistake or needed to cancel the restrictions were very acceptable.

Sandy P.April 18, 2024

Boarding was quite easy. The coach was clean and very comfortable. We both departed NYC and arrived in Philadelphia on time.

Brent M.November 6, 2023

First time riding Amtrak, boarded at Penn station to Philadelphia, it was a great experience.

Jackie A.September 30, 2023
US train company: Brightline

New York to Philadelphia Trains

Information on this train trip

Daily Trains51
Earliest and Latest Train Departures12:20AM - 11:58PM
Minimum Price$10
Average Ticket Price$38
Minimum Trip Duration1h5m
Average Train Trip Duration1h24m
Distance84 miles (134 km)
Train Companies on This RouteAmtrak
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for your trip New York - Philadelphia

The average train ticket price from New York to Philadelphia is $38. The best way to find train tickets from New York to Philadelphia is to book your tickets as early as possible. Prices tend to rise as your travel date approaches, so book in advance to secure the best prices!

A train trip between New York and Philadelphia is around 1h 24m, although the fastest train will take about 1h 5m. This is the time it takes to travel the 81 miles that separates the two cities.

The number of trains from New York to Philadelphia can differ depending on the day of the week. On average, there are 51. Some trains are direct while others have layovers. Simplify your train trip from New York to Philadelphia by comparing and selecting the train that fits your travel style and budget on Busbud.

When taking the train from New York to Philadelphia, you can travel comfortably and safely with Amtrak.

Once in Philadelphia, you can exploring the city. The top sights and things to do are Eastern State Penitentiary, Liberty Bell, Citizens Bank Park, Please Touch Museum, National Museum of Jewish History.

Find cheapest prices for trains

Find cheapest prices for trains

Price is for a one-way ticket for one passenger and based on past searches.

Best price found
The cheapest trip from New York to Philadelphia was searched and found on May 27, 2024 with a price of $10

To save money and be sure you have the best seat, it's a good idea to buy your train tickets from New York to Philadelphia, as early as possible.

You can expect to pay from $10 to $402 for a train ticket from New York to Philadelphia based on the last 2 days. You can expect to find the cheapest price for the trip at $10 which is on 2024-05-27.

Usually Amtrak Acela will charge you higher prices for tickets closer to the departure date. To find the best prices, you should be flexible on your date of travel.

About Train Travel

Train Travel Tips

Do you like to go fast? With high-speed trains going faster than 300 km/h on certain routes, the time will fly by. Taking a train between New York and Philadelphia is also a great way to travel to arrive in the city centre and save more time for your stay in Philadelphia.

Whether you take a regional or high-speed train to Philadelphia, you’ll help reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of your trip. As you watch the landscapes unfold before your eyes, you can tell yourself that with this choice, you are making sure they remain protected.

The train emits up to 30x less CO2 for a trip between New York and Philadelphia compared to the same trip made by plane or car. A truly ecological mode of transport that will allow you to easily reduce your carbon footprint.

Tune out to the fine sounds of your best music playlist on your train trip from New York to Philadelphia while indulging in miles on end of beautiful scenic views.

Did you know?

Some trains in Sweden can recover more than a fifth of the energy they use by braking. This is especially true with ore trains as they descend from Narvik to Kiruna.

New York holds the record for the most platforms and track numbers in a single station. Grand Central Station in Manhattan is one of the largest rail terminals in the world with more than 44 platforms and 67 tracks to accommodate passengers.

One of the deepest train stations in the world is in Kiev. Located at a depth of 105 m, it was designed in this way to serve as a shelter in the event of an attack. The second deepest station is in China. Badaling station is located 60 m under the Great Wall of China!

Will you be returning to New York by train?

Train from Philadelphia to New York

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