Stay Competitive with Up-to-Date Salary Data

Stay ahead in the competitive landscape with our comprehensive salary increase and benchmarking tools. Access the latest 2023 salary data and projections for 2024, delve into detailed executive compensation surveys, and refine your pay strategy with our precise compensation benchmarking solutions. Equip your organization with the insights needed to attract top talent and maintain industry-leading standards. Enhance your workforce strategy today with data-driven decisions that foster growth and success.

Unlock the benefits:

  • Enhanced Competitive Edge: By comparing your organization's salary offerings with industry standards, ensure you remain competitive in attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Strategic Decision Making: Leverage up-to-date salary data and projections to make informed compensation decisions that align with your business goals.
  • Tailored Compensation Strategies: Utilize comprehensive benchmarking insights to develop compensation packages that are both equitable and motivational for your employees. 
  • Future-Ready Planning: Anticipate market trends and adjust your compensation structures proactively with insights from annual executive compensation surveys and salary increase projections.

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We've Got You Covered

CompAnalyst Market Data is the largest and most reliable HR-reported source of up-to-date market pricing:

Unique Job Titles
Industry Breakouts
Market Data Points

800 Million Data Points

HR-reported pay data, combined with our proprietary machine learning-powered insights, delivers prices for every job in every pay market - even those not found in traditional surveys.

Unparalleled Accuracy

You can scope data to your specific industry, company size, and geographic location with percentile flexibility within market pricing reports for unparalleled pricing accuracy.

Three Simple Steps

Our three-step market pricing process helps you match, scope, and price jobs quickly and accurately by industry, company size, and geographic location to find the data most relevant to your organization.

Smarter Reporting

Deliver strategic compensation analysis to stakeholders using our presentation-ready reports and analytics.

Align Pay and Jobs

CompAnalyst Market Data + JobArchitect bundle unifies market data & job descriptions. Whether you are hiring new people or assessing compensation for current employees, adapt and keep up with the evolving job market quickly and easily.

Learn More

Get started quickly with personalized setup and training resources, automated data loading, and comprehensive matching and pricing services.

Engage our experienced consultants to discover innovative, data-driven solutions to your most difficult total rewards challenges.

Our team of seasoned compensation professionals is here to help you streamline survey selection, data loading, participation, and analysis.

“CompAnalyst has greatly reduced the amount of time we spend on survey management and increased the amount of time we can spend providing strategic direction to the business.”
  • Shaun Drawdy
  • Senior Compensation Analyst
  • HD Supply
“CompAnalyst has greatly reduced the amount of time we spend on survey management and increased the amount of time we can spend providing strategic direction to the business.”
  • Shaun Drawdy
  • Senior Compensation Analyst
  • HD Supply

Insights You Need to Get It Right

The latest research, expert advice, and compensation best practices all in one place. Recognized by Analyst Study for Strengths in Data Software Recognized by Analyst Study for Strengths in Data Software Press Release
Survey data reveals popular among mid-market and enterprise-size companies.

Read More to be WorldatWork’s First Virtual Salary Data Provider to be WorldatWork’s First Virtual Salary Data Provider Press Release
New integration to deliver employer-reported compensation insights to WorldatWork members.

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CompAnalyst Market Data: Smart Matches, Fast Prices, and New Insights
CompAnalyst Market Data: Smart Matches, Fast Prices, and New Insights PRODUCT SHEET
The CompAnalyst Market Data platform is easier to use than ever before.

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Differences Between HR-Reported and Crowd-Sourced Compensation Data
Differences Between HR-Reported and Crowd-Sourced Compensation Data WHITE PAPER
To make decisions about the value of a job, you need data from a range of sources.

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Salary Surveys 20|20: Types of Market Data
Salary Surveys 20|20: Types of Market Data Blog
Technology and innovation has led to new data offerings for compensation practitioners.

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