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About YMCA®

The Young Men's Christian Association started in Geneva is an organization based on the mantra of putting Christian principles into practice by developing a healthy, mind and spirit. The YMCA has over 57 million beneficiaries from 125 national associations. Through its religious-based services, it has gained a popularity and huge membership all across the world. The bulk of the work done by the YMCA is usually geared towards the betterment of society and such they undertake projects like the establishment of schools, hospitals and rehabilitation centers. The work of the organization does is supported as a means of development and this has greatly contributed to the financial support it receives from multiple sources to support the smaller YMCAs in countries all over the world.

Types of jobs you could find at YMCA®

Director, Business Design

YMCA is looking for someone who possesses the relevant skills in quality research as well as service system designing to increase the capacity of the business department. As a key unit of the YMCA, the department is looking for an individual who is well versed in the field to promote the growth of the organization. At least 7 years work experience in designing and developing new products is mandatory as well as demonstrated designs that have gone on to be launched and development, as an applicant you should be able to multi-task and be efficient in problem identification and solution. The tasks to be performed by the director are centered on the direction of qualitative analysis through the study of businesses cases and giving thought out recommendations to the relevant departments.

Sports Director

As part of YMCA's goal of empowering the youth, the Sports Director's job is to organize sports leagues, fitness programs and skill development. The director also oversees the hiring of staff in the sports department and maintains records of supplies. The position requires a degree in physical programs, recreation and other related fields and an experience working with volunteer groups.

Social Adjustments Coordinator

YMCA is constantly creating programs that you will oversee to completion. You will interact with participants in programs to monitor progress among other duties. Applicants should hold a degree in social work and have prior experience working with refugees. Fluency in English, Spanish or French is an added advantage.

Why People Recommend Working at YMCA®

  • Suitable working conditions. The working premise is tailored to make employees both safe and conducive, staff restrooms and other amenities are provided as part of the growth of employees.
  • Good pay rate is also in place to fully reward the efforts put by the employees is part of YMCA's goal in empowering young people.
  • Internal employee development is part of the organization's goals by virtue of creating an atmosphere based on the moral development of staff through the organization's principals.