Manage Your Photography Business With Ease

Our features make running your studio and selling more photos easy, so you can focus on what matters most: your clients.

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Girl on laptop looking at ShootProof dashboardGirl on laptop looking at ShootProof dashboard

Beautiful Galleries You and Your Clients Will Love

Showcase your work and delight your clients with beautiful, custom-designed galleries, complete with sharing, downloading, and digital/print purchasing options.

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ShootProof gallery and branding customization

Digital download controls

Control number and resolution of downloads to drive digital photo sales.

Professional branding

Look professional by customizing galleries with your brand colors, fonts, watermark, and more.

Favorites and labels

Clients can proof galleries with favorites, labels, and more.

Password protected

Safely store and share photos with clients.

Custom subdomains

Show the galleries on your ShootProof Portfolio Website as if they’re part of your own website for the ultimate professional look.

Lab products and packages

Sell professional prints and more from top-tier photo labs, right from your galleries.
"We’ve been with ShootProof for years and can’t imagine life without them. Our businesses operate almost entirely online and we would not have been able to grow to the size that we are today without a company like ShootProof as a backbone for us. Thank you ShootProof!!"
Elena Blair
Elena S Blair Photography

Become a Smooth Operator

Save time and streamline your business with powerful studio management features, specially designed for photographers.

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Making payment in ShootProof

eSignature contracts

Create and send professional contracts in minutes that clients can sign from anywhere, on any device.


Send customized invoices that clients can pay in just a few clicks.

Automated payments

Get paid daily, weekly, or monthly, plus never chase down an invoice again!

Lab products and packages

Sell professional prints and more right where you store your photos with print lab integrations.

Multiple user levels

Your photographers, assistant, studio manager — the whole team can access one account with different privileges.

Automated communications

Provide a great customer experience with automated messages that are there when you can’t be.
By Jen Bilodeau ShootProof photographer

Sell Your Photos, Your Way

Sell your work directly from your Gallery Store in whatever way works best for you, commission free.

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Gallery Store

Sell digital downloads, prints, and/or lab products from a seamlessly integrated gallery storefronttotally commission-free!

You’re in control

Choose what products to sell, how much they cost, how you’ll fulfill orders, and more.

Sell digital downloads

You decide how many, how much, and what resolution they are while we handle delivery.

Sell prints & lab products

Grow your business efficiently with print sales and let a world-class photo lab handle fulfillment for you (and still review/approve orders before printing).

Your money stays with you

Pay ZERO commission on all sales (or lose up to 15% of profits to the other guys…)

Get paid faster

Get instant, same-day payouts* on invoice payments and sales using ShootProof Pay, powered by Stripe.

Showcase Your Work

All ShootProof plans include the ability to build a Portfolio Website, our simple, no-code-needed website solution that gets your photography business online and off the ground instantly.

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ShootProof Portfolio Website

Custom branding

Make your Portfolio Website your own  by using your studio’s logo, colors, and fonts.

No coding needed

Build a photography portfolio in seconds, without any learning curve.

Custom subdomains

Display your gallery photos as if they’re part of your existing website for the ultimate professional look.

Save money

Save on separate website builder or hosting fees while streamlining your photography business tools.

Centralize operations

Showcase your work and connect with potential clients on the same platform you already deliver and sell your photos!

Grow your business

Custom-branded contact forms make it easy for potential clients to get in touch.

Take your photography business to the next level with beautiful, easy-to-use client galleries.

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Family photo of a girl and a boy
*Additional fees, terms, and conditions apply. Payouts typically appear on your debit card in 30 minutes.
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