How To Prepare To Retire When It Seems Impossible

Is retirement in jeopardy?

Nearly a third of seniors plan to either work through the age of 70 or never retire.

And a recent study found that 35% of millionaires said it’s going to “take a miracle.”

All of this is due to inflation. A $1,000,000 account in January of 2020 is worth around $150,000 less now when you factor in inflation, and that’s just a 3-year difference*. Imagine what 30 years would look like.

When accounting for inflation, cash loses value every year. Bonds barely break even. But stocks provide a very healthy return.

And that’s assuming you’re just making the S&P 500’s average return. But Stock Advisor has returned over 3X the S&P 500 for the last 20 years.

Our analysts have recently released a report with our top 15 different stock picks for the year. Simply enter your email to learn how to become a member and access the report now.

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Motley Fool Stock Advisor returns are 650% as compared to the S&P 500 returns of 150% as of May 7, 2024.

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