Best for Large Homes
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Shark IQ Robot
Shark IQ Robot
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With outstanding maneuverability, the Shark IQ Robot can vacuum through your home for up to two hours, taking care of your floors and carpet without bumping into obstacles. During testing, this pick vacuumed every size mess efficiently and more quickly than our other winners. Rotating front brushes reach deep into corners and edges. Our favorite feature, however, is the self-emptying base where it automatically empties dirt and debris into the dust bin that only needs to be emptied once a month.

Best For Pet Owners
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iRobot Roomba i3
iRobot Roomba i3

You love your pet, but you hate the way it sheds. We get it, and so do the folks at eufy who created this robot vacuum specifically to clean up long pet hair with 75-minute run time and i3 navigation to vacuum your floors in neat rows. Best part? It's quieter than most models (think: like your microwave).

Best Value
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eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S
eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S

Amazon reviewers love this robot vacuum because it's easy on the wallet but still gets the job done. It uses BoostIQ™ Technology to automatically increase suction power when it detects an extra-strength cleaning job is needed. It also recharges on its own, so it'll be ready to come out and clean when you need it. Plus, it's nice to look at and that's because of its sleek design (it was recently re-engineered toward a slimmer design, at just 2.85 inches tall) with an anti-scratch tempered glass-top cover for protection. It also packs in an infrared-sensor to avoid your furniture and drop-sensing tech to steer clear of potential falls.

On Sale
iRobot Roomba i7
iRobot Roomba i7

This is the Roomba with all the bells and whistles. It maps and navigates each room, works great on hardwoods and carpets, is a powerful cleaner (which makes it great for pet hair), and when it's done, it automatically empties into an allergen-free disposable bag that can hold up to 2 months of dust and dirt. You can control everything from your smartphone or Alexa, as needed.

Adaptive Routing
On Sale
iRobot Roomba 675
iRobot Roomba 675

Think of this pick as your solution to cleaning underneath kitchen cabinets and making the challenging areas of your home sparkle. That's due to the adaptive routing algorithm that is able to intelligently map out your whole home.

From: Good Housekeeping US