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Bunk beds

Bunk beds make a smart, space-saving choice for kids sharing a room. With one bed safely stacked above the other, each child can enjoy their own private space to stretch out without sacrificing additional floor space. IKEA bunk bed frames are available in metal and wooden designs, with most styles featuring a built-in ladder. As for who gets the top bunk, we recommend drawing straws! 

Bunk beds for kids serve up a double scoop of sleeping comfort

A common choice for a shared bedroom, bunk beds are a favorite of parents and children alike. But it’s not only those sharing a room that can benefit from them! We’ve found shoppers choose a bunk bed frame over a single bed frame for a variety of reasons, including…

A bunk bed offers built-in space for sleepovers

While we might first think of a family with two or more children when imagining who buys bunk beds, they’re actually popular for homes with one child, too. Your child can alternate between sleeping on the top and bottom bunk or pick a favorite and keep the other as the go-to for cousins and friends spending the night. Between sleepovers, you can also use the extra bunk as a reading nook or to keep toys and stuffed animals organized. 

Bunk beds help in sleeping a variety of guests

By having one bed safely stacked above the other, you can optimize your guest room to sleep not only a greater number of people—but a greater variety as well! In fact, some styles even have a third bed tucked beneath the bottom bunk for even more sleeping possibilities.

Because most bunk bed frames fit a twin size mattress , they are only intended to sleep one person each. If you opt to instead use a queen size mattress in your guest room, you can still sleep two guests but they’ll have to be comfortable sleeping next to each other. This can be limiting if you want to be sure you can offer a bed to all your guests while also ensuring their comfort. 

If two overnight guests don’t know each other well, chances are they’ll be more comfortable sharing a room if they each have their own bed. This also works out well for guests that do know each other but simply prefer a bed of their own!