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Beyond 16 Personalities

Discover Your Personality

Personality is our distinctive mix of thoughts, feelings, and actions, akin to our fingerprint. It’s influenced by biology and our environment, evolving over time while retaining our core identity.

Beyond 16 Personalities​

Discover Your Personality

Personality is our distinctive
mix of thoughts, feelings, and
actions, akin to our fingerprint.
It’s influenced by biology and our environment, evolving over time
while retaining our core identity.

Myers and Briggs were captivated by Jung’s theory on psychological types and acknowledged its potential for real-world applications. During World War II, they commenced research to devise an indicator aimed at comprehending individual variances.

Myers and Briggs thought that by aiding individuals in self-understanding, they could assist them in choosing professions aligned with their personality types, thus fostering healthier and more fulfilling lives.

During the 1940s, Myers devised the initial pen-and-paper iteration of the inventory, and the duo then proceeded to evaluate the assessment on acquaintances and relatives. They refined the instrument extensively over the following twenty years.

The trademarks Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs, and MBTI are registered by The Myers & Briggs Foundation in various countries, including the United States. BlossomUp is not associated with the entities responsible for publishing or owning the rights to the MBTI ® ️ assessment.