1: Enter a Keyword
Enter a keyword in the form above, based on what field you are in, and the tool with use AI technology to give you a list of business names that will fit your niche.
2: Choose a Business Name
Scroll through the business names we offer you. Decide which one fits your brand perfectly and will represent you in a way that will make you proud.
3: Start Your Business
Click the business name, add the information you need about your business and start an online business in minutes.

"Name Fatso" is a robust and free business name generator that will help you choose the next cool and innovative name for your business venture. We use an array of technologies and techniques including AI business name generation to generate over 100 name options for each word want to start off with. Funny enough, the business name "Name Fatso" was actually generated from this very tool.

Whether you are starting a new offline business, a new podcast, a new YouTube channel or just want to find a cool username to use on websites - this tool is exactly what you need.

Business Name Generator by Name Fatso

Business Name Generator

Using a Business Name Generator

Since a business is a very general term, a business can be a shop/store an eCommerce online store, a brand and many other relevant phrases, we will give a small overview of all of these and link to our relevant name generator based on the type of business you are looking for and create your very own unique business name.

Shop Name Generator

Some people when referring to businesses are actually referring to shops, not all businesses are actually shops or sell anything, due to this, we have created a very specific Shop name generator so you can not only choose a name for a business but create a name for your shop. Click the link above to check out our shop name generator.

Store Name Generator

Just like above, there are millions of people actually searching for a name idea for a store, whether it's an online store or an offline store, nonetheless, we have created a store name generator so those people can gen a name idea for their up and coming store, by using our store name generator.

Brand Name Generator

So what's the difference between a business and a brand. A business is the actual structure, anyone that sells a product or a service can be considered as a business, but a brand is the name, authority, credibility that goes with it. Due to that, it's important to have a specific brand name generator for anyone looking for a specific brand name idea. Use our brand name generator to find the best option for your brand name.

Website Name Generator

On to websites. Not all businesses are or have a website. That's just life. And a business that does have a website, does not mean that the website is the actual business. So having a specific website name generator is imperative for those of you looking to make a website that would be your actual business. It could be an online shop or a service provider but online based. We created a website name generator for this specific scenario.

eCommerce Name Generator

eCommerce (or E-commerce) is a store that is completely online. So obviously a general business name generator might not offer the same results as an ecommerce name generator. For your ecom website, you want the best name possible that will cater to your online needs. That's why we created a specific eCommerce name generator.

Domain Name Generator

If all you are looking for is a domain name, using a business name generator might not be the best solution, for that reason we have you covered with a domain name generator. Gives you lots of options for domain names you can choose from.

LLC Name Generator

Not every business is an LLC, but all LLC's are businesses. So if you're looking for an LLC name, using an LLC name generator just makes more sense. Click the above link to access our LLC name generator. Read more about creating an LLC

Company Name Generator

Not all businesses are companies, but all companies are actual businesses, so if you're looking for a new company name, using a company name generator makes more sense than a general business name creator. Use this company name generator to choose your next company name.

Dropshipping Business Name Generator

Dropshipping is a little different since it's a way of selling and shipping, we won't go into this here, but for those of you that are planning to do dropshipping, using a specific dropshipping name generator might be a better solution for you than a general business generator. Use our dropshipping name generator to choose the best name for your dropshippign website.

700 Unique Business Name Ideas

100 Business Name Ideas

100 Unique Business Name Ideas

100 Catchy Business Name Ideas

100 Ideas for a Business Name

100 Good Business Name Ideas

100 Cool Business Names

100 Best Business Names


A business name generator is a simple but robust tool that will output hundreds of business name ideas based on any word you give it as a starting point.
