Facebook Lite

Facebook Lite

Meta Platforms, Inc.
Android OS
Varies by device

Facebook Lite was launched in 2015 as a lighter version of the regular Facebook app. What sets these two apps apart is that the Lite version uses less data and takes up less storage space from your mobile device than the regular Facebook app.

On the Facebook Lite app, all bells and whistles have been erased, and you only have access to the primary functions of the regular Facebook app. Now, why did Facebook launch a lighter version? The answer is simple: to reach audiences that would otherwise have no access to their social networking services. This stripped-down version of the app works properly on all network types, including 3G and 2G networks, and works in almost all Android devices, regardless of them being old or new.

How to download Facebook Lite

You can download the app from the Facebook Lite website to your mobile device. You can also download it from the Google Play Store for Android devices, or from the App Store for devices with iOS.


Facebook Lite is intended for audiences with limited connection options or limited data plans. The Facebook team developed this lighter app for users in areas with poor mobile connections and low-end or old devices, especially in developing countries. This way, Facebook can reach audiences that would otherwise have no access to their app and services.

Moreover, although Facebook does have a data-saving feature, it does not compare to the much more reduced data usage of Facebook Lite. It is also worth mentioning that the Facebook Lite app is not available in every country or region, which limits its accessibility.

Data usage and storage space

As explained before, the Facebook Lite app was designed for users in developing countries or areas with slower networks, and people with older or outdated devices. For that reason, the main aim of Facebook Lite is to provide an app that uses less storage space on mobile devices and runs smoothly on slower networks, even 2G and 3G. Some features that reduce the data usage of the Facebook Lite app are:

  • It does not preload photos like the regular Facebook app does.
  • Videos do not reproduce automatically unless your device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  • Features have been reduced to the bare basic and minimum to optimize the use of storage. For example, there is no Marketplace, and there are no Live Videos or custom stickers.
  • It has fewer graphics, animations, and video content.
  • It includes fewer ads.
  • It has a simpler interface.
  • The live-streaming function is not available.
  • The quality of the videos is standard, which is a lower resolution than HD.
  • Facebook Lite compresses images and videos to use less data.
  • Photo and video editing features are limited to dropping and timing.

Facebook Messenger

Over time, Messenger and Facebook ended up being two totally separate apps. This means that to use Facebook Messenger, you need another app. Originally, Meta had also launched Messenger Lite, which was a stripped-down version of Facebook Messenger but ended up discontinuing it.

Beta program

The Facebook Lite Beta program is only available for Android devices, and it basically gives users early access to future versions of the Facebook Lite app. The idea behind the program is that users provide feedback based on their experience, so the developers can improve the next version before officially launching it. To participate in the Beta program, you need to go to the Google Play Store, look for the button to become a tester, and download the beta version of Facebook Lite. To comment on the beta version, you need to join their Facebook group.



  • Uses less data.
  • Takes up less storage space in your device
  • Includes all the basic features.
  • Some features from the regular Facebook app are not available.
  • The user interface is quite basic.
  • Videos and images load in standard quality.

Facebook Lite

You are going to be redirected to the external website to download the app.

Frequently asked questions

Is Facebook Lite available everywhere?

No, Facebook Lite is not available worldwide.

Can I watch videos in HD quality on Facebook Lite?

No, the quality of the videos in Facebook Lite is standard in order to limit the use of data.

Who is Facebook Lite ideal for?

Facebook Lite is perfect for users with limited data plans, outdated devices, or slower networks.


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