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If you ask around what was the first social network, many people will answer: "Facebook".

Let me tell you, that answer is not correct. However, it was the first social network to transform the way we connect, inform, and entertain ourselves.

Let's see why Facebook is, even in 2024, the social network with the most active users in the world... keep reading!

Facebook, the app that transformed the way we connect with the world

Facebook is a free social network where you can create your personalized profile and connect with family, friends, and communities (groups) to share information and ideas in many formats: text, images, and video.

The people who connect with you will be your "Facebook friends” and will be able to leave comments and reactions on your posts, even share them on their own profiles, better known as "walls".

If you don't want everyone to be able to see your content, just set your profile to "private". This way, only users that you accept as "friends" will be able to interact with you.

Facebook was a pioneer in very powerful functionalities that, years later, were replicated by other Apps such as Instagram, X, whatsApp, linkedIN, among others. Let's take a look at some of them:

Outstanding functionalities on Facebook:

  • Get informed instantly: On Facebook, you can access up-to-the-minute information directly from major news networks or with articles shared by users within your community.
  • Send direct messages: Facebook has Messenger, a tool for chatting with other users. You can use it within Facebook or download it independently on mobile devices.
  • Create Stories: Stories are ephemeral publications that disappear 24 hours after being published, without the need to be reflected on your wall.
  • Join groups: you will be able to join groups with specific interests, where relevant topics are discussed, and valuable content is shared.
  • Create events: Spread an event among your community, share the information and invite them to participate.
  • Broadcast live: Influencers love this feature. Because it allows you to broadcast live videos to connect with your followers in real time.
  • Buy and sell: Marketplace is a platform integrated with Facebook that allows users to buy and sell products or services. Although contact between users is generated on the platform, transactions take place outside of it.

Facebook, a marketing tool for all types of brands

In addition to being the most popular social network in the world, Facebook is a very effective digital marketing tool, because it connects brands with their community, attracting audiences with content of interest and hyper-segmented advertising thanks to the power of its algorithm. These are its main tools:

  • Facebook Pages: Facebook allows companies and public figures to create business pages to connect with their community, share updates and promote products or services.
  • Facebook Advertising: Facebook was the first social network to offer the possibility of advertising paid content on its business pages. The power of this tool lies in the fact that it allows marketers to segment ads in great detail to reach very specific audiences, configuring, for example, geographic location, age, gender and interests, among others.

Facebook, everyone's favorite

If you want to share your daily life, be informed and entertained with a reliable, stable and secure App, Facebook is for you. Its functionalities and user-friendly interface make Facebook the most used app, with approximately 3 billion users worldwide.
Although it has faced criticism regarding the handling of personal data, its updates are always focused on improving security and protecting the privacy of its users.

For many, Facebook is the mother of all social networks. For us, it’s undoubtedly a 5/5 for innovation, usability, and functionality.



  • The App is free and can be easily downloaded from the Play Store or Apple Store.
  • It is stable and secure for all your devices.
  • It doesn’t have pop-up advertising.
  • It allows you to share content in multiple formats.
  • Its intelligent algorithm shows you content of your interest.
  • It has questioned the data management and privacy of users.
  • It doesn’t have full control over negative content or misinformation generated on the platform.
  • It can be detrimental to some users who exceed their usage time.
  • It is one of the apps that occupies the most storage space on the cell phone.
  • Like other networks, it can be used for cyberbullying. Therefore, it shouldn’t be used by children.


You are going to be redirected to the external website to download the app.

Frequently asked questions

Is Facebook safe for children?

As with any social network, there are risks for minors, such as cyberbullying or sensitive content. Although the minimum age allowed to create a Facebook account is 13 years old, anyone with an email and a password can create one. In addition, the App doesn’t have any parental controls, so we recommend that teenagers use it under strict parental supervision.

Is Facebook safe for children?

As with any social network, there are risks for minors, such as cyberbullying or sensitive content. Although the minimum age allowed to create a Facebook account is 13 years old, anyone with an email and a password can create one. In addition, the App doesn’t have any parental controls, so we recommend that teenagers use it under strict parental supervision.

Can I set privacy settings on my Facebook account?

Of course you can! Configure the privacy settings of your account in the "Privacy Settings" located within your profile. From there, you can control who can see your profile, who can contact you and who can see your posts.


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