Measure your offline to online conversions

Access unified real-time reporting and geo-location tracking for your offline QR code campaigns.

Own your first party data

Flowcode conversion pixel

Access powerful conversion reporting. Flowcode is the only solution on the market that enables brands to see the full funnel analysis from offline media spend to online conversions.

ROI on campaigns
Optimize conversions
A/B test funnels
Analyze audiences
Flowcode Pixel

API integration

Create dynamic Flowcode QR codes at scale and extract real-time data interaction into your native platform.

Automated creation
Data every 10 seconds
Performance attribution
Warehoused CRM data

Flowcode geolocation data

Access the only tool in the world that lets you measure offline engagement. Within your Flowcode portal, customers can view a live and interactive geographic map that gathers demographic information from your scans, right down to the zip code level.

Location data
Optimize conversions
A/B test campaigns
Analyze audiences
geo-location data QR codes
Flowcode API
Develop tools for connections and measurement

Generate and share reports

Access in-depth reporting and filter data by day, month, year, and even by time of day. Keep internal and external stakeholders in the loop with scheduled shares robust insights.

Leading privacy compliance

As the leading U.S. based QR platform that hosts our data locally, we care deeply about your security and data. Every Flowcode contains a privacy policy URL to ensure compliance with CCPA/CPRA, and security for customer's data is guaranteed with SOC2 Type 2 certification.

Data to drive decisions

No detail is too granular. Access in depth reporting and analytics about how your Flowcode QR codes are performing in the real world. Our best-in-class analytics will help you optimize your campaigns and measure the ROI of your campaigns.

Access offline data like never before
Frequently asked questions
Questions not answered?
Can you get analytics from a QR code?

With some QR code providers you can get powerful analytics highlighting details of who is scanning codes. For example, with providers like Flowcode, you can see where your audience is scanning, total scans per day, device type, and more.

How do I track QR code analytics?

In order to track QR code analytics you’ll need to create a QR code with a platform that offers robust analytics. Flowcode’s analytics let you track details like total scans per day, location, device type, and more.

Can you tell how many times a QR code is scanned?

Yes! QR code generator platforms like Flowcode allow you to track details like how many times a QR code was scanned, where it was scanned, and more.

Can you see who scanned your QR code?

While you can’t see the exact person who scanned your QR code, you can see where it was scanned and how many times it was scanned. Platforms like Flowcode offer detailed analytics to help you make decisions about your QR codes.