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Pharmacy Technician Education from Accredited Schools & Institutions.

Request more information on flexible online/on-campus Pharmacy Technician certificate and diploma programs aimed at preparing students for a career. We’ll help you get started with an education path that revolves around your goals. Choose a program from our allied health schools below to get started.

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What kind of work does a Pharmacy Technician do?

You’ll help the pharmacist fill prescriptions and work with patients as a pharmacy technician. You might work in a hospital, pharmacy, supermarket, or any place that dispenses prescription drugs. You’ll need great people skills, patience, and to be able to explain medicines and dosages accurately so patients understand drug interactions and how to safely take their medications. Specific responsibilities depend on your role and where you work, but they often include pulling medication from inventory, communicating with providers and payers, authorizing and billing prescriptions, discussing patients’ medical history, and even preparing customized medicines.

I’d like to start working soon. How long does school take?

Depending on how soon you want to start working, you can choose from several education options. A certificate/diploma program can be completed in as little as four- to-five months. An associate degree, which is more comprehensive and includes general education requirements, typically takes two years to complete. For both these options, you can find partial or full online programs. Some states require pharmacy technicians to be professionally certified as well, which requires passing the PTCE certification exam.

My budget is limited. How much does it cost?

Depending on what program you choose, the cost can vary. A certificate program can cost anywhere between $500 and $4,500 while a 2-year associate degree program costs around $6,744 just for tuition for an in-state student says Choosing an accredited program might give you the opportunity to apply for financial aid to help pay for your education.

It’s been a while since I’ve been in school. How hard are the classes?

Certificate program curriculum includes pharmacy calculation, pharmacy law, and simulated and/or hands-on experience putting knowledge into practice. An associate degree program adds general education courses and more specific subjects, including pharmacy calculation, healthcare law and ethics, diseases, pharmacy practices, and pharmacology. If you have an aptitude for math and are detail-oriented as a rule, you might enjoy a career as a pharmacy technician.

How much money can I make as a Pharmacy Technician?

The national median annual salary for a pharmacy technician rests at $40,300, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023 data. That said, location and experience may play key factors in your salary, as does education and where you choose to work. The BLS reports that the highest 10% of pharmacy technicians in the field made over $57,130 annually.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2023 Occupational Employment Statistics

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All Allied Health Schools is dedicated to empowering you on your career quest by being a trusted resource for information that will help you advance your career and improve your life through education. Whether you’re looking for a classroom program or online school, you can study our library of career and education resources, and then search from thousands of accredited programs in our database to find a program that’s right for you.