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A Commitment to Fleet Safety

At GPS Fleet Management Solutions, we've been dedicated to improving fleet safety and efficiency for over 24 years through advanced telematics technology and real-time data analysis. Our user-friendly tools enhance driver well-being and community safety, providing a substantial return on investment. Trust us to guide you toward a safer, more efficient future.

Empowering Safety Management

Geotab’s suite of safety management tools, including GO devices, video telematics, and predictive analytics, is designed to foster a culture of safety within your fleet. By offering detailed safety analytics and timely insights into driver performance, we empower fleet managers to effectively coach their teams, leading to notable improvements in safety outcomes. This proactive approach to safety management underlines our commitment to not just monitoring but actively enhancing driver safety.

Geotab Dash Cams

Vision on Safety: Camera Integrations

Our integrated camera solutions serve as a cornerstone for advancing fleet safety. By providing a clear view of driver behavior and delivering real-time feedback, these technologies play a pivotal role in preventing accidents and enhancing accountability. The actionable insights gained from camera integrations are instrumental in promoting a safe driving environment, making them a critical component of our comprehensive safety toolkit.


Discover more about our Camera Integration Solutions!

Risks & Safety Trends

Geotab’s advanced reporting tools delve deep into driver on-road activities, assigning risk and safety scores based on key behaviors such as speeding, seatbelt usage, and braking habits. These insights allow for the development of targeted coaching programs and performance benchmarks, fostering an environment where safety is continuously improved. Through daily, weekly, or monthly trend analysis, managers are equipped to make informed decisions that bolster fleet safety and compliance.

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Driver Safety Reports

Driver Safety Reporting

Our risk management reports offer a transparent view of safety policy adherence, comparing incidents of rule violations against total miles driven to ensure a fair assessment across your entire fleet. This data is crucial for reinforcing safety policies, enabling organizations to maintain a level playing field and promote best practices in driver safety. By highlighting areas for improvement, Geotab facilitates a culture of safety and responsibility.

Boost Fleet & Driver Efficiency

The advanced insight provided by Geotab’s patented breadcrumb trail tracking illuminates the path to enhanced fleet and driver productivity. By monitoring every detail of driving behavior and comparing it to defined company policies, our technology enables fleets to manage by exception, focusing on areas outside policy adherence.


Coupled with detailed trip and activity management and real-time tracking, Geotab not only boosts productivity but also aligns it with your fleet’s safety and efficiency goals.

This revised content strategy ensures that each section contributes uniquely to the narrative, avoiding overlap and providing a comprehensive overview of Geotab's driver safety capabilities.

Open Platform Difference Geotab

Mitigating Environmental Risks

Geotab’s solutions for navigating environmental risks, such as adverse weather and hazardous road conditions, emphasize the importance of preparedness. Utilizing tools like Geotab Drive and video telematics, fleets can ensure their drivers and vehicles are equipped to safely manage any challenges posed by the environment, safeguarding both drivers and the communities they serve.

Incident Risk Reduction

Our approach to minimizing the impact of incidents involves advanced collision detection, video telematics, and strategic insurance partnerships. This comprehensive strategy allows for swift responses and effective claim management, maintaining high safety standards while managing insurance costs. Through these measures, Geotab supports fleets in achieving a balance between safety and cost-efficiency.

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Geotab Fleet Safety

Operational Safety Efficiency

Geotab’s telematics solutions and Marketplace partnerships offer a pathway to reducing operational risks, thereby protecting your fleet’s bottom line. By managing expenses and maximizing asset utility, we enhance both safety and operational efficiency. This integration of safety with financial health underscores our belief that a safe fleet is also an efficient and profitable one.

Speed Monitoring and Incident Management

Geotab Road Speed



Geotab's solutions enable precise monitoring of driver speed against posted road limits across various environments, including city streets, highways, and designated zones. This insight into driver behavior reveals changes in driving styles based on the surrounding context, enhancing safety in customer or work zones.

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Our instant accident notifications system, powered by Geotab's patented algorithm, provides immediate alerts and detailed data from moments before an impact, facilitating rapid decision-making and comprehensive accident reconstruction.

Self Insured Benefits



For fleets opting to self-insure, Geotab’s fleet management tools are invaluable in identifying preventable incidents, mitigating risks, and reducing costs related to personal injury claims. By pinpointing risky driving habits, Geotab also offers real-time coaching to drivers, further decreasing the likelihood of accidents and associated claims.

More Benefits

Explore additional benefits of choosing GPSFMS by clicking the links below.

Transforming Fleet Management

The quality of the decisions you make are only as good as the information you receive. Learn about Geotab’s five pillars of innovation that can help boost your fleet and driver productivity.

Request Your Demo Today

Interested in seeing how the Geotab GO9 can transform your fleet operations? Begin with a simple step: provide your contact info, and we'll coordinate with you to send a demo unit directly.


The moment the Geotab GO9 arrives, plug it into your chosen vehicle and enjoy a 21-day trial period.  Discover the system's intuitive design and powerful functionality as it integrates seamlessly with your daily workflow.


Getting started is this straightforward!

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