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We’ve all heard about Chat GPT lately, the chat-based app based in the artificial intelligence language system, used to produce human-like images, texts or videos by entering prompts, but is it really as good as it sounds?

It was created by Open AI, an artificial intelligence company, dedicated to research everything about AI. It launched the tool in November 2022 and its popularity instantly skyrocketed. Open AI was founded by several entrepreneurs and researchers, such as Sam Altman and Elon Musk. On top of that, it’s also supported by various investors like Microsoft.

Using ChatGPT

It’s relatively easy to use, similar to automated chat services found on websites dedicated to customer services and polls. Just insert your prompt and Chat GPT will produce a response, in either text, picture or video. The app works through its Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) which uses complex and specialized algorithms to find patterns in data sequences. It pulls from a large amount of pre-existing data to formulate an accurate response. What makes it different from other AI generators, is that Chat GPT allows human feedback to rate its answers and improve its accuracy. 

The app is free to download and use on the store, making it even more popular and accessible, although there is a premium version available.

But How can artificial intelligence look and sound so human?

The answer is simple, yet complex. Chat GPT uses a subset of machine-learning known as “deep learning” producing human-like texts through transformer-neutral networks. What it does is produce an answer using a system of predictive texts (the following word, paragraph or sentence) based on its training sequence. Many other apps are powered by the Chat GPT system and centered around other type of media, like Dall-E, centered around image-generation, Frank, dedicated to investigation and searching, AI chatbot, a virtual assistant and WOXO, used for video making and editing but Chat GPT remains on top, as the most efficient and accurate one.

Users can ask Chat GPT pretty much anything in a short span of time, either simple or complex, since thanks to its operative system, it runs perfectly smoothly under basically every circumstance. There is simply no limitation whatsoever to what Chat GPT can answer! The app can perform virtually any task! These are some of the most requested and popular tasks:

Draft emails, Summaries books, stories, movies, etc; Solve mathematical problems, Play games, Create titles for stories and articles, Create essays, Reword mediums for a different result, Create product descriptions, Create music, images and videos; Compose strong passwords; Compose blog posts and quizzes; Answer questions, Write scripts, Create logos and slogans; Help with job searches by creating resumes and letters; Research products online, Code computer programs or Check for bugs in computer codes.

But of course, not everything is seen through pink-coloured glasses. Chat GPT is rather helpful for some tasks, but there has recently been ethical concerns regarding the way the app is used, such as cheating in exams, school projects, work affairs and a lack of security and privacy.

Other point of view: Ethical problems with ChatGPT

Clearly, Chat GPT can be used unethically, the most well known problems are cheating, impersonation, and spreading misinformation due to its human-like style. Teachers and professionals around the world are spreading awareness about students and even professionals using the app to cheat on exams, write essays and papers and plagiarism. For Example, CNET made worldwide news when it used Chat GPT to create a series of articles plagued with errors. 

Due to the arising concerns of the users, Open AI added an “AI Text Classifier” that distinguished between human and AI-written texts, but after just six months, OpenAI removed the tool due to a “lack of accuracy. 

The art community has also been affected. Many “artists” have been sharing AI images, claiming either that they created them or that they are “AI Artists”, creating yet another burden for the community, since there is no such thing as an AI artist, but the images are made fast and cheaply, so they sell more than actual artists.

It can also be used to create malware due to its ability to write codes. A recent update allowed the system to stop the request, but threat actors and cybercriminals might find a way to fool the system. It is also used to impersonate someone by recreating their voice and writing, as well as extortion, by creating compromising images of someone to scam them.

Our point of view

To make a long story short, Chat GPT is a very useful tool, I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars, I simply have to take one because the information is sometimes oddly inaccurate and the responses robotic or the pictures are not able to replicate human features accordingly but the app is extremely useful, for example, as a source of information and text improvement 

We must pay attention to every detail, an oddly spelled word, a robotic sentence, anything odd, as well as caring for our information, privacy and the way we use it, in order to not jeopardize our reputation, studies and work. For now, we must use the app as responsibly as possible, to avoid jeopardizing our privacy and our reputation. Chat GPT has definitely come to stay, it's popularity skyrocketed in the last months and we're expecting it to keep rising, for it's swift and accurate responses and usefulness.



  • An useful tool for redacting mails and letters
  • Summarises information from various mediums
  • Helps with school and work issues
  • Checks for bugs in computer codes and codes computer programs
  • Answers visually any question and most of the time, accurately
  • Used for cheating and plagiarising both at work and education
  • Unreliable privacy and security
  • Used for criminal purposes, such as impersonation, extortion and cybercrime.
  • Plagiarizes art, by stealing already existing art to create a cheap and mostly dubious picture, fomenting art theft.
  • Spreading misinformation due to its human-like modus operandi.


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Frequently asked questions

Is Chat GPT free to install and use?

Yes, Chat GPT is free to use and install, however, there is a premium version.

Are the responses on Chat GPT up-to-date?

The GPT Models are supplied with data until a certain time, by accessing through the official store, you will find the latest updated version.

Are the answers on Chat GPT 100% trustworthy?

No, the models on Chat GPT tend invent or hallucinate facts, their answers can be convincing and yet wrong, meaning that human sense and guidance is always to be considered.


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