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Doodle (Ages 9-16+)

Doodle Crate Store

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Engaging Craft Kits for Kids Ages 9-16+

Each of our Doodle craft kits present kids with a multi-faceted experience that can last for hours, or even days! Our crates include a magazine with additional science experiments and activities, and lots of rich content to dig deeper into the theme. We also provide online resources and video content for every project, all designed to allow kids to explore further.

Young learners of all types can enjoy projects that weave art and science together seamlessly. Doodle Crate's craft kits for kids focus on unique craft ideas that inspire creativity, spark curiosity, and challenge kids to put their crafting and building skills to work. Everything young makers need, all in one crate — from design inspiration, to detailed instructions, to high-quality materials, and more!