Court Records Search

Access Court Records & Related Information, Police Records, Financial Records, Mugshots, Photos, Background Checks, Contact Information, and More!

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Top 4 Background Check Sources

We spent 23 hours thoroughly testing multiple Background Check sites and our number one pick for 2023 is Instant Checkmate. The amount of personal information returned is shocking!

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This is a free online resource that strives to offer comprehensive reviews and valuable information to our visitors. Our top ranked sites are reviewed on the basis of our own views, knowledge and expert opinions. We are able to provide you with our free online reviews thanks to referral fees we receive from a number of companies that are compared and reviewed on our website. Please note that the compensation from referral fees may impact the scoring and ordering of each site reviewed. We do not review all products in a given category. The owner of this site is an employee of The Control Group Media Company, LLC and provides management services to Instant Checkmate, TruthFinder, and Intelius. All opinions expressed on this site are our own.


The best and most up-to-date Background Check Search service of the bunch. Tons of information at a great price! Best bang for your buck. PREMIUM data sources included!

5 star rating (113,872) 5-Star Ratings

Easy to use search with fast and comprehensive results. One of the more expensive services but worth every penny if you're looking for a top notch public records check.

The search was extremely fast but the information was not as good as some of the other services. Low price if you're looking for cheap reports.

Intelius is a solid company that has been around forever. The interface was a little dated and hard to use. Information was good but lacking in some areas.

Commonly Asked Questions About Court Records Online

Where Does Court Records Data Come From?

Data from Court Records come from public records data that regular search engines cannot access. Throughout a person's live, agencies at the county, state, and federal level collect information about people. For example, a county clerk might have information about a person’s birth certificate and a courthouse might contain criminal records. Much of this data is available to the public. Online Court Records websites collect this data into easy-to-read reports. Many public record sites will also scour various social media to give you a more complete picture (literally, as some sites include photos) of the person you're trying to look up.

What Kind Of Data Is In Public Records?

Different Public Records services offer different kinds of data. However, they commonly offer data such as:

How Can I Use Online Court Records ?

Popular uses for online public records sites include checking on people such as:

The Court Records services we review are NOT credit reporting agencies. That means it is prohibited to to use these sites for any purpose governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). So you can not use them for things like employment screening, tenant screening, or making decisions about credit or insurance eligibility.

How Accurate Is Data In Online Court Records ?

Data in online Court Records tend to be highly accurate, though there is no guarantee that 100% of the data will be accurate on all reports. There may occasionally be errors that exclude information about a person, or (less commonly) include inaccurate information on a report. Since each jurisdiction has different laws about Court Records , the available data is highly influenced by where a person lives.

Are Online Court Records Free?

No. It costs money to source data and organize it into reports. No legitimate, reputable Court Records website is free. This is one of those industries where you get what you pay for.

How Much Do Online Court Records Cost?

The pricing model varies from company to company. The most reputable companies allow you to sign up for a month-to-month subscription that allow you to search as many Court Records as you want.

Are People Notified When You Pull Their Court Records ?

No, all Court Records searches are confidential. When you pull a person’s report, they won’t know that you’re looking at their Court Records . This is one of the things we often hear from our readers as a major concern when running online background checks.