Eagle and Bear Economist

This blog is mainly about the future and history of work, macroeconomics, and global economic developments. I started small with occasional blog posts out of fun. With a growing number of followers, I have gradually increased the frequency of blog posts. I also provide consulting services in my areas of expertise. Eagles and bears are among my favorite animals. That’s why I call this blog “The Eagle and Bear Economist”. Needless to say that my blog articles represent my own opinion.

Do not hesitate to contact me: info@eagle-economist.com

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Recent blogs posts

Germany: The European economic engine is recovering slowly and bumpily

The recovery of the German economy remains bumpy for the time being.

What caught my eye in May: What is on people’s minds, central bank digital currencies, startups in America, and much more…

What is on people’s minds?

U.S. economy: Boom slowly flattening out

The presidential elections are coming up in the United States this year. This is reason enough to take a closer look at the US economy.

Previous blog posts

Contact me by email: info@eagle-economist.com

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