Eagle and Bear Economist

This blog is mainly about the future and history of work, macroeconomics, and global economic developments. I started small with occasional blog posts out of fun. With a growing number of followers, I have gradually increased the frequency of blog posts. I also provide consulting services in my areas of expertise. Eagles and bears are among my favorite animals. That’s why I call this blog “The Eagle and Bear Economist”. Needless to say that my blog articles represent my own opinion.

Do not hesitate to contact me: info@eagle-economist.com

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Recent blogs posts

U.S. economy: Boom slowly flattening out

The presidential elections are coming up in the United States this year. This is reason enough to take a closer look at the US economy.

What caught my eye in April: Trends in AI, hybrid work, digital currencies and financial stability, and much more…

Hybrid work is challenging for managers. They need a new skillset around team coordination, culture creation, and managing to outcomes.

The European economy is falling too far behind the USA – but the trend is better than many fear

Just a year ago, Europe was happy to have gotten through the energy price shock and the threat of energy supply bottlenecks. The deep recession feared by some economists did not materialize. Somewhat surprisingly, this relief quickly turned into pessimism.

Previous blog posts

Contact me by email: info@eagle-economist.com

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