Are we in an AI bubble that’s about to burst?

Andrea J.

Andrea J.
May 7, 2024

Bubble or Not: Our 5 AI Picks Stand Tall

This question is floating around different news media, igniting a sense of deja-vu for investors that were present during the dot-com era. Remember that time when companies soared to dizzying heights, only to crash and burn, taking the NASDAQ down by over 70%?

While the word “AI” might be triggering flashbacks to and Webvan because every company that adds it to their earnings report sees a “pop”... AI isn't just hot air. It's a revolution. It's changing everything we know, and if you pick the right spots, it's making folks very, very wealthy.

Now, you might be wondering, how do you find these 'right spots'? That's where we come in. Here at The Motley Fool, we have a knack for picking winners, especially when things get a bit...frothy.

In the midst of the dot-com bust, when many investors were licking their wounds, The Motley Fool was busy searching for winners. We recommended Amazon in 2002 for a return of 24,551%. Activision Blizzard in the same year for a 2,994% gain. in 2004, now up by 15,116%.

Fast forward to 2007, amidst the Great Financial Crisis, we uncovered a gem: Netflix. Trusting our hunch then could have earned you a whopping 21,101%.

And now, we're applying the same rigorous analysis to the AI revolution. We're identifying the companies that are built to last, not just benefiting from the hype.

That's why we've compiled a special report detailing our top 5 AI picks. You'll learn why these companies could be primed for success and how they're positioning themselves in the AI landscape.

One of our recommendations had the foresight to start investing in AI technology way back in 2014. Another is one of our favorite companies and might be poised to revolutionize its industry with AI.

In this rapidly evolving AI market, informed decisions are more important than ever. A wrong move could cost you dearly. That's where our expert analysis comes in. 

Let us help you attempt to distinguish the contenders from the pretenders. With The Motley Fool in your corner, you're already one step ahead.

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John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Andrea Jankelow has positions in The Motley Fool has positions in Activision Blizzard,, Booking Holdings, and Netflix. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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