Atlas School

Tulsa Coding School

Anyone can learn to code

What career could you start?

Atlas School does not guarantee employment. Graduates in our programs can reasonably expect to find jobs as:

Entry Level Web Developer
Full-Stack Development

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Junior ML Ops Engineer
Machine Learning

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Software Engineer I
Systems Programming

I'm in, tell me more

Tulsa is bursting onto the tech scene, with Atlas School’s campus located in the heart of the vibrant Downtown Tulsa Arts District.

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Outsdie Atlas School Campus

Hear from some of our students

"A place that will welcome you with open arms regardless of your background or circumstance, and fosters the breadth of foundational skills, both technical and interpersonal, that you'll need to be successful as a programmer!" Colson Scott, Full-Stack Software Engineer with a Specialization in Web Development

"The people are kind and passionate, the culture is driven and creative, and the students are from all different kinds of backgrounds and interests. Atlas School focused on important soft and hard skills that set me apart from typical university students and gave me a significant advantage in the application and hiring processes.”
Isaac Green, Computer Science & Machine Learning graduate

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Innovative Education

At Atlas School, there aren’t any stuffy classrooms or lecture halls. We believe in a hands-on approach centered on projects and peer learning. You’ll learn to intuitively seek out the theory and tools you need to analyze and tackle the tasks at hand.

Accessible Education

We don’t think tuition should be a barrier to a quality education. We create individualized payment plans that meet each student’s unique needs. When Atlas School students succeed, everyone succeeds.

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Career Launchpad

Our goal is to get you a satisfying career. At Atlas School, you’ll learn professional development skills and gain the confidence necessary for success. We bring students and prospective employers together to develop working relationships well before graduation.

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Peer Networking

Instead of formal classes, you collaborate, share your knowledge, and help each other. Peer education is proven to foster a very constructive learning culture, as you’re immersed in an environment where everyone is driven to help each other.

What is Atlas School?

We are named Atlas School to signify the importance of helping students find their path to a career in tech. An atlas does not tell you where to go, but it shows you possible routes to take. In the same way, our hands-on educational framework equips students with the tools and knowledge they need to successfully chart a course for their future.

Our mascot, the lightning bug, represents our students! Our students are learning and creating their own paths, while shining the light for those around them. Each one is a part of our bright and vibrant community, and we want to help them shine.

atlas school campus with students at the stage

Take the Next Step

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15 N Cheyenne Ave. Tulsa OK, 74103
(918) 392-5530
© 2024 Atlas School. All Rights Reserved.