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  • Nancy K.

    Nancy K.

    Expert was able to fix my problem
    Expert Jessica was able to fix my problem. She was excellent and figured out a solution quickly.
  • Leanna S.

    Leanna S.

    So great!
    So great! I lost some files for school and they helped me recover them. I was so stressed and also worried if this service was legit. But I was so desperate not to have to start my research paper from scratch! So thankful!
  • Yaju D.

    Yaju D.

    My expert was responsive, patient, and best of all, he solved the issue I had. Thank you so much!
  • Chantal D.

    Chantal D.

    Wonderful experience!
    Yes, the issue was quickly solved with success! I am very pleased with my conversation tonight and with your service! Thank you so.much! That issue meant a lot to me....
  • William M.

    William M.

    Google Password issues while starting Outlook for the 1st time.
    I bought a new Hp laptop and was having problems getting Outlook to sync with my Outlook account. Specifically, Google would not accept my account password during the verification phase. I twice changed passwords to no affect. My expert was extremely helpful and patient in solving this issue.
  • Miss M.

    Miss M.

    Very patient and understanding
    My expert was very patient and understanding with a very non tech savvy person
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