

Prestigio development team

4.6Version Varies with device

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Books & Reference
Prestigio development team

eReader is an advanced digital book reading platform, designed to provide readers with a portable and customizable reading experience. The app supports multiple book formats, including EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and others, making it highly versatile for diverse reading materials. It offers an intuitive interface, enabling users to focus on their reading without getting distracted by unnecessary features.

User Interface and Experience

eReader's interface is designed with simplicity and user experience in mind. The clean layout facilitates easy navigation and access to all features. Readers can conveniently browse through their library, access bookmarks, adjust the reading settings, and more. The app also includes a night mode to reduce strain on the eyes during late-night reading sessions.

Key Features of eReader

One of the primary features of the eReader app is the support for multiple book formats, allowing users to read a variety of ebooks and documents. Users can adjust the font size, screen brightness, and page orientation to suit their comfort.

The app also includes a powerful search feature, enabling readers to quickly find specific phrases or sections in the text. The bookmark and note-making feature enhances the reading experience, particularly for academic or research-based reading.

eReader also includes an integrated dictionary that allows readers to look up unfamiliar words without leaving the app.

eReader Pro

eReader Pro is the premium version of the app, offering an ad-free reading experience and access to additional features. The Pro version includes a text-to-speech feature that converts written text into audio, thus enabling users to listen to their books.

Cloud Syncing

With cloud syncing, users can store their books and reading progress in the cloud. This feature allows readers to continue reading from where they left off, even if they switch devices. This makes the eReader app convenient for those who often switch between their smartphone, tablet, and laptop for reading.

In the digital age, eReader serves as an impressive platform that provides a comfortable and customizable reading experience. With support for multiple formats, easy-to-use interface, and advanced features, eReader is indeed a worthy companion for book lovers. Whether you read for leisure or professional purposes, eReader makes the process seamless and enjoyable.




4925 reviews


  • This app has its own eBook library, where users can buy or download for free thousands of books.
  • Users can import files in more than 10 formats.
  • The app is completely free.


  • The app includes ads.
  • Users complain about bugs on Its voice feature.


Prestigio development team



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