What Is Your Destiny?

What Is Your Destiny?

It's time you understood your ultimate purpose and destiny!

Have you asked yourself these questions:

What is my destiny?
Why do I exist?
Is there a reason for my life?

If so, you are not alone - these questions have baffled and confused people through the ages.

A child naturally wonders, "Where did I come from?" As we get older and become uncertain about our future we want to know... "Did my life have a purpose? Is this all there is? What's next...anything?" From the beginning to the end of our lives, we ponder the meaning of life.

Think about your own existence. Can you see a purpose for your own life with its ups and downs, its mixture of joys and sorrows? Do you sense lasting value in its toil, challenges and uncertainties?

Never underestimate the value of your life. From the very beginning, God has planned an incredible future for you!

Thousands of years ago, the biblical King David looked up into the night sky and wrote down his thoughts regarding man's relationship with his Creator: "When I consider Your heavens, the works of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?" (Psalm 8:3-8)

King David wondered about the purpose of man just as we do today. Every one us was created for a purpose, but few understand what that great purpose is.

Inside this Bible Study aid, Why Were You Born?, we will search through the scriptures in the Bible and find out the purpose God has planned personally for you.

Its time you began to understand your real future!

Request your FREE copy today!

Throughout the ages the overwhelming majority of people have failed to grasp the amazing future God has in store for those who develop a proper relationship with Him (p. 5).

That family relationship—our becoming children of God the Father—is the heart and core of God’s incredible plan for humanity! (p. 8).

The Bible explains that those inducted into God’s immortal family must first sincerely repent of their sins, be baptized and receive the gift of God’s Spirit (Acts 2:38) (p. 22).

Those who overcome will be given responsibility as kings and priests of God in that Kingdom (Revelation 1:5-6) (p. 24).