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Formulating anti-aging skincare to work in specific climate conditions is revolutionary. It required pilot testing in a walk-in climate-simulation room. That was a FIRST for skincare!


Skin's evolutionary struggle...what's that?

200 million years ago, our skin did a lousy job not only adapting to different climate conditions but also repairing and renewing itself. Fast forward into the 21st century, medical research surprisingly discovered that skin has evolved way beyond what scientists thought was possible.

Your complexion is made up of dead skin cells. What we didn’t know until recently is that these dead skin cells are also biochemically alive and change in different climates. This evolutionary phenomenon is called the Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF).

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Pour Moi Institute at Stand Cosmetics Europe

Pour Moi Institute at Stand Cosmetics Europe


Meet Strand & the Pour Moi Institute

Before putting anything on your face you should ask yourself: Who made my skincare? In the case of Pour Moi, all our products are made by Strand Cosmetics Europe, a MS BeautiLab Company. Strand is located in the Rhone Alps, the home of French chemistry and the dermocosmetology industry.

Known for their state-of-the art R&D labs and manufacturing facilities, Strand is a world-renowned, premium skincare formulator utilizing the highest scientific level of expertise. Some of the world’s most luxurious products are made at Strand, and so is Pour Moi.


Geo-hydraD Complex™ by climate

It’s the vital operating system of our Climate-Smart formulas. It hydrates skin by climate utilizing inventive shield-building technology AND it keeps the actives stable within the skin to ensure proper efficacy and optimal release in the climate you’re in.

Due to the adaptive nature of our complex, it has the unique ability to self-adjust to meet the skin’s ever-changing needs within the nuances of a specific climate.

See Our Climate-Smart Day Creams


Why does the Climate-Smart® 3-Step Rotating System work when others don't?

Our patented Climate-Smart® 3-Step Rotating System works differently than any other skincare method because of Step 3—our innovative step.

For Step 3, you rotate the climate-specific Day Cream depending on the daily weather you’re in and travel to. This way you can personalize your routine for the places and seasons you live in and visit.

Clinical Studies

Backed by medical research from around the world

New global science proves a different reality

For Skin

The studies clearly show that our complexion, the most outer skin layers, radically changes in different climates.

For Products

The studies reveal that in order to maximize ingredients and delivery systems efficacy once applied on the skin, a formulation must take the local climate into account.

First Time

For the FIRST time in beauty, we’ve applied these new findings to create climate-specific formulations that have shown unparalleled efficacy.


Medical research leads to new understanding on how skin works

For skin: The studies show clearly that our complexion, the most outer skin layers, radically change in different climates.

For products: The studies reveal that in order to maximize ingredients and delivery systems efficacy once applied on the skin, a formulation must take the local climate into account.

For the FIRST time in beauty, we’ve applied these new findings to create climate-specific formulations that have shown unparalleled efficacy.



Traditionally, Before & After photos have been the only visible evidence of what results to expect from new skincare products, but our founder Ulli came up with a new way:

She sacrificed the appearance of one of her hands to demonstrate the efficacy of our climate-specific formulas.

After using Pour Moi’s patented Climate-Smart® 3-Step Rotating System for one year on her left hand only, dermatologists have estimated the perceived age difference between Ulli’s hands to be as much as 30 years.


We know our Climate-Smart® formulas work!

Like with every invention, there are lots of trials before something new is created.

We began in the lab almost a decade ago. Once we felt confident about the first round of climate-specific formulas, we then put them to a unique test on participants in a climate-chamber, that simulated specific climatic conditions such as desert, tropical and temperate.

Based on the data, we reformulated and re-tested until we were ready to apply our scientific advanced technology onto real-world testing via various pilot programs in distinctive local US & European climates.

Learn more about our walk-in climate-simulation testing.

The protective role of skin barrier function

An important function of our skin is the barrier function. It controls the trans-epidermal evaporation of water, ions and amino acids and protect our body from a variety of allergens or external stress factors. Stratum corneum is the skin layer responsible for barrier function.

In it, corneocytes are embedded in an intercellular matrix composed of lipids and natural moisturizing factor (NMF) fundamental to retain the optimal skin hydration.

Factors like UV rays, irritants, and soaps are known to cause the wash out of the intercellular skin matrix components, in particular impairing the production of NMF.

The importance of good skin hydration

Moisturizing treatments are able to restore the skin integrity and lipid barrier’s function, retaining the epidermal water content.

Skin hydration is linked to the skin barrier function and is important for maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Suitable moisturizer or skin barrier-repairing ingredients can help protect our skin, and can help restore skin’s barrier.

The consequent reduction of the natural moisturizing factors provokes skin dryness weaken the integrity of the skin barrier.

Mountain Polar Test Result