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11 properties Medicare cost part b Properties - 0.033 sec.
On the unit. Part of the application process does require you, and all occupants, to meet with our board of directors.Your move in cost will include the membership fee and your...
Coolidge Terrace Cooperative 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom
$851,860 - Port Clinton, OH - For Sale
Cottage b design package. The catawba nantucket elevation boasts an array of enhancements... Sprinkler system. These are just a few of the additional premium upgrades that are part...
Brand New Home In Port Clinton, Oh. 5 Bed, 3 Bath
Request Details - Silver Spring, Maryland
One room available! Looking for someone to takeover my roommates part of the lease... Use the smart rent app. For part of the lease takeover you will pay deposit...
One Room Available!
$1,950,000 - Appleton, WI - For Sale
Appeal, this was the home of industrialist bruce b. Purdy from 1957 to 2009. One-of-a kind home and setting, with an opportunity to be a part of one of the most exclusive...
4 Bedroom, Appleton Wi 54913 Id: 1us75526256
$550,000 - Rocky Point, NY - For Sale
System, offering cost-effective heating. Being part of the north shore beach association... For immediate occupancy, this home blends tranquil b...
3 Bedroom, Rocky Point Ny 11778 Id: 1us73964159
Of those responsibilities. As part of our required resident b... Peace of mind. The rent includes boiler heat, making it a cost-effective choice...
1 Bedroom, Havre Mt 59501 Id: 1us73110755
Shaped lots being sold, as part of a 535 acre property which surround the lake... Churubusco lodge property. Approximate lot size, water frontage and asking cost are as follows...
Clinton, Ny Clinton Country Land 45.00 Acre For Sale In Ellenburg Depot, New York
When utilizing any week, just pay upkeep. The cost for the week is only part... 6 weeks b- seasonal, with choice to divide them in 12 weekends - 7 nights...
2br, Grand Mayan Palace Nuevo Vallarta Gold Crown Elite For Sale In Bell City, Missouri
$1,950,000 - Appleton, WI - For Sale
Of industrialist bruce b. Purdy from 1957 to 2009. One-of-a kind home and setting, with an opportunity to be a part of one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the fox cites. With a total...
6600 N Ballard Road, Appleton, Wi 54913
$1,950,000 - Appleton, WI - For Sale
Of industrialist bruce b. Purdy from 1957 to 2009. One-of-a kind home and setting, with an opportunity to be a part of one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the fox cites. With a total...
6600 N Ballard Road