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Mango Dispatch Manager®

Mango Dispatch Manager offers a robust and user-friendly solution for route scheduling through its drag-and-drop visual routing tool. This powerful feature allows you to efficiently manage your route schedules with ease. As a visual aid, it provides a quick overview of the logistical accuracy of each route, aiding in decision-making.

Integrated seamlessly into Route Manager, Mango Dispatch Manager ensures real-time updates to your data as changes are made. This integration enhances efficiency and accuracy in managing route schedules, making it a valuable tool for optimizing logistics and ensuring precise route planning.

Mango Dispatch Manager establishes a centralized routing program that streamlines the process of creating delivery routes through efficient drag-and-drop scheduling. This time-saving feature enables quick updates to handheld data before processing cards and facilitates real-time transmission of changes. The program offers versatility for various activities, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Enhance operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness with Mango Dispatch Manager:

  1. Route Optimization Integration: Seamlessly exchange data with various route optimization programs to boost overall route efficiency, reducing distribution costs and fleet mileage.
  2. Resource Utilization: Utilize powerful algorithms and street-level routing to create daily routes, ensuring optimal resource allocation while considering business constraints.
  3. Balanced Driver Workloads: Equitably distribute driver workloads for the creation of efficient delivery routes and well-defined sales territories.
  4. Streamlined Routing Process: Minimize route creation time, allowing for more focus on route optimization and efficiency.
  5. Holiday Week Flexibility: Enhance efficiency during holiday weeks by dynamically adjusting route planning as needed.
  6. Drag-and-Drop Route Modification: Easily modify route schedules by dragging and dropping stops within a route, with automatic updates to drivers’ handhelds for seamless execution.

How It Works

Mango Dispatch Manager (MDM) seamlessly integrates with Route Manager, ensuring a straightforward process to access crucial route data. Utilizing factors such as route details, sequence, load capacity, and more, MDM calculates an optimal delivery sequence. 

The user-friendly interface enables easy visualization of each route on a map, facilitating effortless modifications. After optimizing each route, a simple click on the save button updates Route Manager, ensuring real-time synchronization. Streamline your route planning and enhance efficiency with Mango Dispatch Manager’s intuitive and integrated approach.

  • Route Manager Version 7.0.4r2
  • RMLive (optional)

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